Thursday, September 22, 2011

my students..again

Another set of pictures from my students...

Grace, showing her mermaid Ariel dress

Sarah showing her gift certificates from winning the speech contest

Conan, showing his lego

Conan, showing another lego part

Sally with her naughty son

Julie and her family picture

Amy with her friend

Monday, September 5, 2011

new student

Kim Kyung-Ok.

35 years old.
Two sons.
Very benevolent woman.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

my students from my online esl teaching

glassed Conan the barbarian??

curly-haired Lucy

cute Lucy

Alvin and the paper plane

conan's naughty but cute brother

having some fun time


proxying his brother

we have an audience in the class

very quiet audience

winking Conan


big laugh conan

Flora and the small umbrella

cute Flora


the most handsome student Kevin

young james

older Kevin

Lucy and the fan

the ribbon


Nicole with her twin brother...ohh soo cute

my oldest student Joshua

my youngest student Grace

grace and brother dancing with the tune of The Lion sleeps tonight



Nicole with her parents..

my prettiest student Anne
